Did you know we offer Sports Massage at Sligo Physio Space?
I have put a blog together to answer some FAQ regarding sports massage.
What does a sports massage do?
Sports massage is a form of manual therapy, a targeted and systematic approach to muscle recovery and pain relief. It is designed to improve overall range of motion and muscle extensibility, as well as support safe and effective movement. Sports massage can help reduce muscle pain and tension, decrease neurological excitability, and increase joint range of motion and flexibility
What is the difference between a massage and a sports massage ?
A sports massage is a more targeted massage to areas of pain or tension, it focuses on alleviating this tension to allow recovery from sports.
Is it good to have a sports massage?
A sports massage is good for reducing tension and allowing you to recover for your next activity
How often should I get a sports massage?
It is a personal preference, if you are training more and don’t have time for recovery, more often, if you have pain it can be helpful, it is very variable but your therapist will give you guidelines.
Does sports massage reduce pain?
Yes massage is effective for pain management, it creates neuromodulation which means when we get a massage it sends information to the brain to tell the muscles to relax, thereby reducing muscle tension and pain
Will a sports massage help with tight muscles ?
Yes the same way it helps with pain – by reducing excitability and tension in the muscles
Is sports massage the same as physio?
No Sports massage does not involve an assessment and a diagnosis of an injured area, it is a generalised approach, and not targeted to injured tissue only. Sports Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession, that assesses the person, their injury and provides evidence based treatments that may involve sports massage.